We are Top corporate film makers in delhi and NCR
Why use Video?
In a media landscape dominated by television and internet Videos represent the ideal way to connect with today’s potential customers. Utilising a medium & technology familiar to all a Video engages, holds attention and cuts through the noise of traditional communication.
The adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with a single image and aptly characterises one of the main goals of visualisation, including that of a Video, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly. Of all the human senses vision is arguably the most dominant and is what we rely on most readily to make judgments as well as to process and gather information. As our desire to digest, communicate and disseminate information briefly and quickly increases and becomes ever more important a Video offers an experience that satisfies these needs capturing the imagination whilst transmitting large amounts of information, with a human element, in a short period of time. Zakmedios is among the players if someone search for list of corporate video makers in Delhi, List of Corporate film makers in Delhi ncr.
Corporate video production in Delhi is executing a basic video content strategy, using simple SEO techniques, can also offer a significant opportunity to drive traffic, leads and ultimately business through a website. Indeed adding Video to a website can significantly enhance its search engine rankings making it 53x more likely to appear on a front page Google result (Dr James McQuivey Forrester, 2010).
How our Videos can help you
Shows that you are up to speed with current media and technology trends
Improves your website rankings with the major online search engines
Increases traffic to your website
Delivers your message 24 hours a day 7 days a week to viewers across the globe
Enables mass distribution of your key messages via video sharing sites such as YouTube
Conveys messages faster and clearer than static text and images
Gives a personal and honest look into the inner-workings of your company
Engages your viewer’s senses creating instant impact and holding attention
Increases conversion and click through rates whilst decreasing abandonments
Corporate video makers in India, gives remote video solutions and produces promotional videos in Delhi ncr
Key Video statistics
With appropriate optimisation a site featuring video is 53x more likely to appear on page one of Google’s search listings (Forrester Research, January 2010)
Video results appear in about 70% of the top 100 listings, the type of content most often displayed in universal or blended search results (Marketingweek, 2011)
A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words (Forrester Research, January 2009)
Video increases email click-through rates 2x-3x (Forrester Research, 2010)
When marketers used the word “video” in an email subject line, open rates rose 7% to 13% (Experian 2012 Digital Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report)
Video in email marketing has been shown to increase click-through rates by over 96%. In response, the number of marketers planning to use video in email campaigns has increased 5x since the beginning of 2009 (Implix 2010 Email Marketing Trends Survey)
YouTube’s Vice President of Global Content Robert Kyncl, in a keynote address at CES, said that video would soon be 90% of internet traffic (Forbes, 2012)
59% of senior executives prefer to watch video instead of reading text, if both are available on the same page. 80% of executives are watching more online video today than they were a year ago (Forbes Insight, December 2010)
Video and other multi-media product viewing options were rated more effective than any other site initiatives in an Adobe survey of almost 2,000 interactive marketers (Adobe, May 2011)
52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in their online purchase decisions. When a video is information-intensive, 66% of consumers will watch the video two or more times (Internet Retailer, 2012)
Visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not (Internet Retailer, April 2010)
Retail site visitors who view video stay two minutes longer on average and are 64% more likely to purchase than other site visitors (Comscore, August 2010)
Video traffic on mobile networks rose 10 percentage points over a one-year period and is now 50% of traffic on wireless networks (ByteMobile, 2012)
93% of smartphone users use their devices in the home and almost 50% of users watch videos on their smartphones. 90% of smartphone searches result in an action such as a purchase or a visit to a business (Google Blog, April 2011)
28% of smartphone owners will watch videos on their phones in an average month (Experian 2012 Digital Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report)
Types of Videos
Corporate Videos – A corporate video is a great way to introduce a company, communicate a message and quickly educate the audience. Corporate videos focus on crafted, high impact visuals with the aim of showcasing the company’s talents and credentials. With a typical duration of less than 5 minutes corporate videos capture key people within an organisation on camera, introducing the company and its direction as well as its values, propositions and unique selling points in a slick and easily digestible format. Corporate videos can be used in a number of settings such as exhibitions, conferences or events, as part of one to one presentations or for playback on a company website.
Sales & Promotional Videos – A promotional video is a powerful and engaging sales and marketing tool that aids, enhances and influences customers’ decisions to buy. Few promotional products can generate the impact of a well-produced video distilling ideas into brief visual and emotional experiences that provoke audiences to think and inspire them to act. Promotional videos are usually produced for the web and are distributed via a company’s brand website as well as a related third party website They can however be used in a variety of settings including the engagement of an audience at the introduction to a multimedia sales presentation, conference or training seminar as well as running on a loop at exhibition stands and in company reception areas.
Online Videos – Online videos are a powerful way of connecting with your audience adding depth and dynamism to your website and making your content more engaging. Online video has reach, influence and persuasiveness giving your business credibility, inspiring confidence and increasing transparency. Audiences increasingly expect complete multimedia content which delivers information in a quick, easy and clear format. Online video does just this. A simple click on your video link and they are actively engaged in your marketing message.
These key statistics demonstrate the real impact of online video:
Video and other multimedia product viewing options were rated more effective than any other site initiatives in an Adobe survey of almost 2,000 interactive marketers (Adobe, May 2011)
With appropriate optimisation a site featuring video is 53x more likely to appear on page one of Google’s search listings (Forrester Research, January 2010)
80% of executives are watching more online video today than they were a year ago (Forbes Insight, December 2010)
Retail site visitors who view video stay two minutes longer on average and are 64% more likely to purchase than other site visitors (Comscore, August 2010)
Video in email marketing has been shown to increase click-through rates by over 96% (Implix 2010 Email Marketing Trends Survey)
28% of smartphone owners will watch videos on their phones in an average month (Experian 2012 Digital Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report)
Further statistics on the impact of video can be found under Key Video Statistics
Online videos can be used for a variety of purposes which may include highlighting the key benefits of your products or services, presenting your company image and values, streaming customer testimonials, highlighting special offers, promotions and recent news, educating and providing technical support or demonstrating the features and capabilities of a product or service. Online videos can also be embedded into emails, newsletters and subscribers’ content, can be sent via mobile phone, can be used to create your own YouTube channel as well as creative content for your Bluetooth marketing campaign. Corporate video production services in Delhi produce all types of Digital content
With popular online search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo prioritising sites that host video adding such content to your website is potentially one of the most powerful tools available for raising your visibility organically and for dramatically improving the volume and quality of traffic. Google in particular gives YouTube content prominent place in its search results which means that creating YouTube videos, where the names and descriptions match a sought after search term, is likely to attract an even higher amount of traffic. Indeed, this popular video-sharing website is now the second biggest search engine on the internet after its parent company Google.
- Testimonial Videos – A video testimonial showcases a selection of your customers giving positive accounts of you and your business. Video testimonials capture genuine feedback that can help to substantiate your marketing messages. Talking on camera about your product, how well it worked for them, how easy it was to install or implement, what great added-value you offered, how good your team was to work with, you customers’ testimonials add credibility and give prospects real confidence in what you do. Customer testimonial videos can be used for a variety of purposes such as content for a video promotion, an endorsement on exhibition stands, in general sales presentations as well as on e-business cards.
- Product Videos – A product demonstration video is typically used as a sales tool to quickly and succinctly transmit large amounts of information to potential customers with the intent of inspiring them to buy. Product demonstration videos usually highlight the features and capabilities of a product or service with the visuals acting as an exceptionally powerful way of impressing, informing and exciting customers and of making clear the value that they will get when making their purchase. As well as an effective sales tool, product demonstration videos can also be used for a variety of other purposes which could include keeping the workforce up to date with key products and services and educating the sales on team on how they should be presented to potential customers, ensuring consistency of message across the business, informing suppliers of new products and educating potential investors on the features and capabilities of products and services.
- Training Videos – Training videos are an effective way to provide a workforce with the knowledge and skills to deliver the service quality and brand experience a business wants to deliver to its customers. Engaging and informative video, with a strong human element, brings training to life and captures attention making learning fun and people more receptive. Training videos can be used as stand-alone training tools, as part of distance learning programmes or be incorporated into existing in-house training modules. Training videos also provide excellent induction tools for new starters, ensuring everyone gets the same, consistent, high-quality introduction to your business. Training videos are particularly useful in helping to reduce training and development costs for organisations with a large or remote workforce.
- Induction Video - All the HR personals want to show the company friendly environment conducive for all kind of potential candidates. The corporate culture can not be depicted by text, it only can be showcased through an Induction video in which HR people can talk about company rules, regulations, policies and over all company policies. Corporate video makers in Delhi ncr generally do not have much idea of making human resources related videos.
- Animation Video - Animation videos is on high demand by small time business because it doesn't showcase the fancy corporate office or plants or people. It provides information the way you wan to deliver through animation. Alternatively it is good for those who are running business based on services. Animation can define the business model, your offerings and detailed services you provide. Animation video makers in Delhi are having good business specially in Covid situation where you generally do not allow a team of production having 10 people to shoot your office.
Tracking your Video ROI
Using a variety of web analytics tools and other techniques we can help you monitor your online video campaign to measure its effectiveness and track your return on investment. Monitoring your online video campaign can provide a wealth of information to help improve your campaigns including where the viewers are coming from, how the viewers found your video, how much they played before closing it, how they are distributing it, whether the video has helped in increasing brand recall, whether the brand engagement has increased and whether leads/sales have increased.